Mike Tyson's Punch-Out - Como vencer o touro careca - Primeira partida
Bald Bull is the first real challenge of Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out.
NES Video Clip Tutorials – Rec0deD88
Bald Bull is the first real challenge of Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out.
After you knock out King Hippo, you’ll move up to Great Tiger. Again, this is another easy fight, you just need to know how when Great Tiger is going punch and how to counter Great Tiger’s punches. The first part to beating Great Tiger is watching the jewel on his turban. The jewel will light up right before Great Tiger throws a punch. Dodge his punch and hit him in the face, just one punch is all you will get.
After your first fight with Don Flamenco, you’ll move up to fight King Hippo. King Hippo isn’t too hard to beat. You just need to be able to tell if he is going to jab or jump up and down.
Don Flamenco might be the easiest fight in Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out. That is the first time you face him. That’s right, just like Piston Honda, you will face Don Flamenco again.
Mike Tyson's Punch-Out, vamos à nossa primeira partida contra a Piston Honda. Essa é uma luta pelo título e pode ser difícil se você nunca jogou o jogo antes. Só não deixe que Piston o intimide quando ele começar a pular.
Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out fight two brings us to Von Kaiser. While not much more difficult than Glass Joe, Von Kaiser will make you have to at least try to dodge and counter.
Here we start by defeating the first contender, Glass Joe. Yes, anybody can beat Glass Joe, but he is still the first fight of the game.
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