Fortnite Capítulo 3

Fortnite Capítulo 3 Temporada 1: Virado!

Enter Spider-Man! and sliding, what?!

Fornite Capítulo 3 temporada 1: Flipped! parece que vai ser outro grande sucesso. Não perca a ação!

Make sure and watch the video below.

Welcome to the Next Chapter of Fortnite

The Island from Chapter 2 has been turned upside down… literally. Step onto the new Island and explore every corner of an undiscovered world in Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 1: Flipped!

Breaking the Ice

Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 1 is a new beginning — a perfect starting point for new players and a perfect returning point for those who haven’t played in a while. Witness the wintry new Island thaw, discover new locations plus a few surprises, seize Victory Crowns, and complete new Quests.

Slide, Swing, and Retreat

Running downhill? Try sliding to get around quickly and evade enemy fire — while still being able to shoot and build. Wanna swing on the Daily Bugle and other buildings? Starting December 11, you’ll be able to put on Spider-Man’s Web-Shooters. Did an enemy knock you out? You’re now able to crawl faster to safely reach your squad. (You can now pick stuff up while knocked out too!)

Swing as Spidey

You can put on Spider-Man’s Web-Shooters no matter what Outfit you’re using, but you can also put them on as the iconic web-slinger himself. With the Chapter 3 Season 1 Battle Pass, unlock Outfits like Spider-Man, the wanderer Ronin, the outlaw Harlowe, and more. Later on in Chapter 3 Season 1, unlock the leader of the legendary “Seven”: The Foundation. And speaking of Spider-Man, look out for new Spideys (plus a few friends and foes) dropping into the Item Shop throughout the Season!

XP Beyond Battle Royale

Battle Royale isn’t the only place to earn XP towards your Battle Pass. You can also earn XP from Accolades in Creative! Creators can incorporate Accolades in their maps, games, or experiences for players jumping in. Play your preferred way to unlock Spidey, The Foundation, and more!

Snow and Sea, Desert and Pasture

The new Island isn’t just a fresh battlefield. It’s also ripe for exploration. Roam the western snowfield and ascend to a “Seven Outpost.” Traverse the eastern tropics with a Motorboat. Get a taste of cozy living in Condo Canyon. And after most of the snow has thawed, cross the grasslands and discover a previously snowed-in secret.

Start a Camp with Your Squad

Found a pristine landscape you don’t want to leave behind? Need a home base while exploring the Island? Throw down a Tent to heal up or stash items to collect in future matches. A teammate can use your Tent to assemble their own, meaning the whole squad can get in on the fun. If the Storm’s coming up on your camp, pack your Tents for a new campsite — or leave ‘em if there’s no time. You can still access your stashed items in new Tents!

Take the Crown, Defend the Crown

Place highly enough in Battle Royale and earn a Victory Crown. You’ll start your next match wearing a crown — but with bragging rights come high stakes. The crown will shine in all its glory, making you stand out to those seeking a Victory Crown of their own. Hold on to your crown for bonus XP during the match, and if you’re skilled enough to win while wearing the crown, you’ll get an exclusive Emote!
Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 1: Flipped! Cinematic Intro
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