Nintendo Power Issue 028 (September 1991)
PorRec0deD :88
Título: Nintendo Power Issue 28
Mês: September
Ano: 1991
Editora: Nintendo of America
Editor: Howard Phillips
Preço: U.S. $3.50 Canada $4.50
País: Estados Unidos
Idioma: Inglês
Revista Nintendo Power:
Sistemas cobertos:
- Super Nintendo
- Gameboy
- Super Mario World
- Star Wars
- Smash TV
- Kick Master
- Wurm
SNES Showcase:
- Castlevania IV
- SimCity
- Final Fight
- Nester’s Adventures
Tips From the Pros:
- Classified Information
- Counselor’s Corner
Tips From the Pros:
- Now Playing
- Pak Watch
- Final Fantasy Adventure
- Tecmo Bowl
- Marble Madness
- Game Boy Classified
- Now Playing
Informações classificadas:
- Kabuki
- Thunderbirds
- Bandit Kings of Ancient China
- Jacki Chan’s Action Kung Fu
- Adventures of Lolo III
- Kickle Cubical
- Castlevania III Dracula’s Curse
- Mega Man III
- Hudson’s Adventure Island II
Now Playing:
- Eliminator Boat Duel
- Bo Jackson Baseball
Counselor’s Corner:
- StarTropics
- Legacy of the Wizard
- Ninja Gaiden III
- Final Fantasy
- Robinhood: Prince of Thieves
Players Forum:
- Player’s Pulse
- PORQUE Archivers
- Player’s Poll Contest
- Top 30
The Info Zone:
- Celebrity Profile
- Bulletin Board
- Next Issue
Played 24 times, 2 visit(s) today