Dragons Lair

Dragon’s Lair

#73 Dragon’s Lair

Where do I begin… never have I played a game with such crippling controls and such insanely unforgiving level design. This game is legendary among gamers as being one of the worst games ever made. I mean many who try it never even have the patience to make it past the first screen!

This game is the epitome of a grueling memory test. Literally the entire game is just one constant death trap. Pretty much everything kills you in one go. This Knight is the biggest pussy ever to pick up a sword. He’s such a lumbering oaf, and getting used to his sluggish meandering is essential to making progress in this game, its painful and I hate him.

I would say I make around an 5 inches of progress if I’m lucky for every continue. It’s bearable until level 4 the Reapers Domain but then things just go into insane mode. Here’s a brief example of one of my playthroughs: Arrive at Reaper Domain, die. Die again. Make a tiny bit of progress. Die. Make a little more progress. Die. Die Use continue. Fuck up somewhere easy. Get pissed off. Start again. Make it back to Reaper Domain. Die. Die. Make tiny progress. Die. Die. Die. Throw controller ?. Rinse and repeat for like 10 hrs. Across 4 days. It’s a 20min game from start to finish… that’s how hard this game is! I would also add that the PAL version is both faster and harder than the NTSC one. That surprised me!

I would never ever ever have what it took to complete this if I weren’t doing this for charity. If you ever feel like donating this would be a great time… to think I thought this would not be too challenging???

Played 49 times, 2 visit(s) today
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