Little Nemo

Little Nemo: The Dream Master

#3 Little Nemo: The Dream Master

Not sure if this is based on outside source material or an original concept from Capcom but either way Little Nemo is a cracker of a game and a true delight to discover. It shouldn’t come as much surprise to find quality from a studio like Capcom, nonetheless its always a treat to play a truly good game for the first time.

The story has you control Nemo, a boy unable to a get a decent nights sleep, through an array of strange dreams in which he must locate keys to progress. While some creatures must be avoided others can be fed candy. Clearly dosed with Rohypnol, the animals fall into a strange slumber allowing young Nemo to climb inside their mouth, adopting their specific skill set while he hops around wearing their skin. When no longer of use, Nemo dis-guards the carcass freeing him up for another victim! Okay, so in game it’s handled less gruesomely but this kid has some worrying dreams!

At first you’ll think this game is going to be a cruise, but the level of difficulty increases quickly and you have to grow accustomed to the range of abilities that different animals offer. The variety on offer combined with the beautiful level design makes for a truly rewarding experience. However this does feel like a game of two halves!

When Nemo enters Nightmare Land, suddenly the game becomes one long level, divided up with bosses (something not seen up until then). The difficulty steps up significantly and now each continue means starting right from the beginning of Nightmare Land instead of the area you were in as was previously the case. Having to use a continue near the end, or on the final boss and knowing you have to do it all again equals tantrum time, or at least it did for me!

A truly great game however. I just wish they were all going to be like this!

Played 53 times, 5 visit(s) today
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