NES Kung Fu

Kung Fu

NES Game Reviews #26 – Kung Fu

NES Kung Fu Cover
NES Kung Fu Cover

The original brawler of the NES, Kung Fu has you fly kicking your way through 5 levels of bad guys (actually there’s no flying kick) in order to save your big bosomed babe! Yeah it’s the 80s!

You have lightning fast kicks and punches, everything feels sharp and responsive but you only move on a 2 dimensional line. Enemies attack from ahead and behind. Most can be dispatched with one hit, but some are quipped with throwing knives or can flip around the screen. Simply being out numbered is your biggest concern, otherwise most enemies are easily dispatched! Each level had a boss at the end. They require practice and in some cases luck to defeat, like the boxer guy on stage 3. The boss at the end of stage 4, is some kind of magician, and I found him very unpredictable and annoying to face.

You’re only granted three lives to start with, if you let enemies surround you, it can be costly on your health! Levels two and four throw animal traps at the shape of snakes, bees and dragons. Snakes are the most annoying since you have to jump them. Once you hit jump you cant change direction, so sometimes you’ll jump a snake only for another to appear in front and you cant avoid it.

Overall a short but enjoyable challenge. Essentially what Black Box releases should be!

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