Nintendo Power Issue 078 (November 1995)
Title: Nintendo Power Issue 78
Month: November
Year: 1995
Publisher: Nintendo of America
Editor: Howard Phillips
Price: U.S. $3.95 Canada $4.95
Country: United States
Language: English
Nintendo Power Magazine:
Systems Covered:
- Super Nintendo
- Gameboy
- Virtual Boy
Full Coverage:
- Mortal Kombat 3
- Spider-Man and Venom: Separation Anxiety
- Big Sky Trooper
- Boogerman
- Zoop
- Waterworld (VB)
- Virtual League Baseball (VB)
- Killer Instinct (GB)
- Super Return of the Jedi (GB)
- Defender/Joust (GB)
Epic Center:
- Wizard’s Realm
- Secret of Evermore
Classified Information:
- Donkey Kong Country
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie
- Mickey Mania
- Looney Tunes B-Ball
- Claymates
- Primal Rage
- Robotrek
- Uniracers
- Star Trek: Starfleet Academy
- Bomberman 2
- King Arthur & The Knights of Justice
- Killer Instinct
- Judge Dredd
- Secret of the Stars
- Super Punch-Out!!
- Donkey Kong Land (GB)
- Ballz 3-D
- Operation Europe
- FIFA International Soccer (GB)
Now Playing:
- Big Sky Trooper
- Boogerman
- Defender/Joust (GB)
- Emmit Smith Football
- FIFA ’96 Soccer
- Foreman For Real
- International Superstar Soccer Deluxe
- Killer Instinct (GB)
- Madden ’96
- Mortal Kombat 3
- NBA Live ’96
- Secret of Evermore
- Spider-Man & Venom: Separation Anxiety
- Super Return of the Jedi (GB)
- Tecmo Super Bowl III: Final Edition
- Virtual League Baseball (VB)
- Waterworld (VB)
- Zoop
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