Nintendo Power Issue 056 (January 1994)
Title: Nintendo Power Issue 56
Month: January
Year: 1994
Publisher: Nintendo of America
Editor: Howard Phillips
Price: U.S. $3.50 Canada $4.50
Country: United States
Language: English
Nintendo Power Magazine:
Systems Covered:
- Nintendo Entertainment System
- Game Boy
- Super Nintendo
Game Reviews (Strategies):
- Mega Man X
- Flashback
- Claymates
- Soldiers of Fortune
- T.M.N.T.: Tournament Fighters (SNES)
- Super Solitare
- Battletoads & Double Dragon The Ultimate Team
- Batman: The Animated Series
- T.M.N.T. III: Radical Rescue (GB)
- Tetris 2
- Disney’s Chip ‘N Dale Rescue Rangers
- Mario vs. Wario
Classified Information:
- WWF Royal Rumble
- Final Fight 2
- The Ren & Stimpy Show
- Super Strike Eagle
- Super Star Wars
- ActRaiser 2
- Metal Combat Falcon’s Revenge
- Mighty Final Fight
- Super Spy Hunter
- Metroid (NES)
- Rock N’ Roll Racing
- Super Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
- Disney’s Aladdin
- Fire ‘N Ice
- Mega Man IV (GB)
Now Playing:
- Mega Man X
- Claymates
- Sengoku
- The Lawnmower Man
- T2: The Arcade Game
- Super Solitare
- Flashback
- Beethoven’s Second
- Soldiers of Fortune
- Jim Power: The Lost Dimension in 3-D
- TMNT Tournament Fighter
- Captain America and the Avengers
- ABC Monday Night Football
- Battletoads & Double Dragon
- Super Battletank 2
- Metal Marines
- Asterix (SNES)
- The Adventures of Dr. Franken
- Bebe’s Kids
- Last Action Hero
- Asterix (NES)
- Popeye 2
- Batman: The Animated Series
- Battletoads & Double Dragon
- TMNT 3: Radical Rescue
- Tetris 2
Counselor’s Corner:
- ShadowRun
- The 7th Saga
- The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening
- Dragon Warrior IV (NES)
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