Magazines Nintendo Power Issue 032 (January 1992) ByRec0deD :88 March 21, 2023March 24, 2023 Title: Nintendo Power Issue 32 Month: JanuaryYear: 1992Publisher: Nintendo of AmericaEditor: Howard PhillipsPrice: U.S. $3.50 Canada $4.50Country: United StatesLanguage: English Nintendo Power Magazine: Information: Back Contents: Back Systems Covered:Nintendo Entertainment SystemGame BoySuper NintendoNES:Mega Man 4Monster in my PocketTemco Super BowlGameboy:TMNT back from the SewersBeetle JuicePrince of PersiaSNES:Super Castlevania IVZelda IV A Link to the PastTrue Golf Classics Waianae Country ClubSuper off RoadComics:ZeldaSuper Mario Bros.Classified Information:Snowbros. Jr.Vice Project DoomS.C.A.TSolar JetmanSuper R-TypeGradius IIIActRaiserF-ZeroNow Playing:Super Castlevania IVMega Man 4Blues BrothersCowboy KidF-15 Strike EagleHammerin’ HarryL’EmpereurAmazing TaterAttack of the Killer Tomatoes Played 26 times, 3 visit(s) todayHelp spread the love and share via:
Magazines Nintendo Power Issue 180 (June 2004) ByRec0deD :88 March 8, 2023March 18, 2023 Nintendo Power Issue 180 (June 2004) Help spread the love and share via:
Magazines Nintendo Power Issue 179 (May 2004) ByRec0deD :88 March 15, 2023March 16, 2023 Nintendo Power Issue 179 (May 2004) Help spread the love and share via:
Magazines Nintendo Power Issue 178 (April 2004) ByRec0deD :88 March 15, 2023March 18, 2023 Nintendo Power Issue 178 (April 2004) Help spread the love and share via:
Magazines Nintendo Power Issue 177 (March 2004) ByRec0deD :88 March 15, 2023March 18, 2023 Nintendo Power Issue 177 (March 2004) Help spread the love and share via:
Magazines Nintendo Power Issue 176 (November 2004) ByRec0deD :88 March 15, 2023March 18, 2023 Nintendo Power Issue 176 (November 2004) Help spread the love and share via:
Magazines Nintendo Power Issue 175 (January 2004) ByRec0deD :88 March 15, 2023March 18, 2023 Nintendo Power Issue 175 (January 2004) Help spread the love and share via: