Grande Tigre - MTPO

Punch-Out di Mike Tyson - Come battere il Grande Tigre

After you knock out King Hippo, you’ll move up to Great Tiger. Again, this is another easy fight, you just need to know how and when Great Tiger is going punch and how to counter his punches.

The first part to beating Great Tiger is watching the jewel on his turban. The jewel will light up right before he throws a punch. Dodge his punch and hit him in the face, just one punch is all you will get.

When Great Tiger crouches down to deliver an uppercut, dodge then punch him in the stomach. Its ok if you miss, just keeping doing it until you get three stars. Then let Great Tiger punch, dodge, hit him in the face, then use a star punch.

At some point, likely towards the end of the round, Great Tiger will do his infamous Tiger Punch. You’ll know when its coming because he will go to the center of the ring and start flashing. Crouch down to hold the blocking position. After Great Tiger hits you, block again. This will continue a couple times then Great Tiger will be too dizzy to continue. Punch him in the face to lay him out. That should be your third knock down by now and another easy TKO.

Watch the video to see how easy it is to TKO Great Tiger in the first bout. Then you’ll be ready for your first fight with Bald Bull.

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junio 22, 2022 3:45 pm

[…] When Great Tiger crouches down to deliver an uppercut, dodge then punch him in the stomach. Its ok if you miss, just keeping doing it until you get three… Leggi il resto »