MTPO-BaldBull-Primo Combattimento

Mike Tyson's Punch-Out - Come battere Toro Pelato - Primo incontro

Bald Bull is the first real challenge of Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out. He has three main punches to counter, then of course, his infamous Bull Charge.

He will start with a fist roll, then a hook, then a down low crouching uppercut. Beating Bald Bull will require a fast reaction time and focus. His punches come quick. Make sure and counter all his punches with head shots only. You will not be able to hit him in the stomach.

When he gets irritated enough, or feels that the time is right, he will head to the back of the ring then charge, or more accurately, bounce or hop towards you. If he lands his uppercut at the end, say goodnight.

The way to beating the Bull Charge is to strike him in his gut on his third hop. That will send him to the mat. Remember, reaction time is key. Watch the video below to see how to beat Bald Bull in your first match. That’s right, you’ll face him again later…

How To Beat Bald Bull – First Fight

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