Nintendo Power Issue 073 (June 1995)
Nintendo Power Issue 73 (June 1995). Featuring Weaponlord.
Nintendo Power Issue 73 (June 1995). Featuring Weaponlord.
Nintendo Power Issue 72 (May 1995). Featuring Kirby’s Dream Land 2 and Mortal Kombat 3 Sneak Preview.
Nintendo Power Issue 71 (April 1995). Featuring StarGate.
Nintendo Power Issue 070 (March 1995). Featuring NBA Jam Tournament Edition.
Nintendo Power numero 69 (febbraio 1995). Con Mega Man X2 e Kirby's Dream Course.
Nintendo Power Issue 068 (January 1995). Featuring The Adventures of Batman & Robin.
Nintendo Power numero 067 (dicembre 1994). Con Earthworm Jim Parte 2.
Nintendo Power Issue 066 (November 1994). Featuring Donkey Kong Country.
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