Nintendo Power Issue 061 (June 1994)
Titolo: Nintendo Power Issue 61
Mese: Giugno
Anno: 1994
Editore: Nintendo of America
Editore: Howard Phillips
Prezzo: U.S. $3.50 Canada $4.50
Paese: Stati Uniti
Lingua: Inglese
Rivista Nintendo Power:
Sistemi coperti:
- Nintendo Entertainment System
- Gioco ragazzo
- Super Nintendo
Game Reviews:
- Disney’s Beauty and the Beast
- Firestriker
- Clay Fighter Tournament Edition
- The Twisted Tales of Spike McFang
- Slammasters
- Fatal Fury II
- A.S.P. Air Strike Patrol
- Super Loopz
- Donkey Kong (GB)
- Monster Max
- Stop that Roach
Special Features:
- Secret of Mana Special
- Super Game Boy
- Illusion of Gaia (SNES) Preview
Informazioni classificate:
- Super Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
- Rocky Rodent
- NBA Jam
- Super Conflict the Middleeast
- BatMan Returns
- Stafft Combat
- Mega Man X
- Jurassic Park (GB)
- Metroid
In riproduzione:
- The Twisted Tales of Spike McFang
- Eye of the Beholder
- Socks the Cat Rocks the Hill
- Rex Ronan: Experimental Surgeon
- Firestriker
- Saturday Night Slammasters
- A.S.P. Air Strike Patrol
- Super Godzilla
- EEK! The Cat
- Fatal Fury
- King of the Monsters 2
- Clay Fighter Tournament Edition
- Super Loopz
- Disney’s Beauty and the Beast
- Donkey Kong (GB)
- Jeopardy Sports Edition (GB)
- Super Battletank
- WCW Wrestling: The Main Event
- Monster Max
Counselor’s Corner:
- Flashback
- Plok
- Zoda’s Revenge: Star Tropics II
- Ultima Runes of Virtue
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