Nintendo Power Issue 045 (February 1993)
Titolo: Nintendo Power Issue 45
Mese: February
Anno: 1993
Editore: Nintendo of America
Editore: Howard Phillips
Prezzo: U.S. $3.50 Canada $4.50
Paese: Stati Uniti
Lingua: Inglese
Rivista Nintendo Power:
Sistemi coperti:
- Nintendo Entertainment System
- Gioco ragazzo
- Super Nintendo
- Cybernator
- Harley’s Humongous Adventure
- Wing Commander
- Jeopardy!
- The Addams Family Pugsley’s Scavenger Hunt
Game Boy:
- Darkwing Duck
- Spot: The Cool Adventure
- Alien 3
- The Ren & Stimpy Show
- Rampart
- The Little Mermaid
- Zen Intergalactic Ninja
- Bomberman II
- Tiny Toon Adventure 2
- Eon Man
- Star Fox
- Counselor’s Corner:
- Final Fantasy Mystic Quest
- Sould Blazer
- Might & Magic
- Dragon Warrior IV
Informazioni classificate:
- Super Mario Kart
- Lemmings
- Final Fantasy III
- Skuljagger
- Super Mario Land 2 6 Golden Coins
- Terminator Judgement Day
- The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle
- Kid Icarus Angel Land Story
- Mickey Mouse
- Ice Hockey
In riproduzione:
- Hunt for Red October
- Aerobiz
- Tana del Drago
- Harley’s Humongous Adventure
- Wing Commander
- Jeopardy!
- Cybernator
- The Addams Family Pugsley’s Scavenger Hunt
- Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves
- Race Drivin’
- Darkwing Duck
- The Little Mermaid
- Rampart
- The Ren and Stimpy Show
- Alien3
- Spot: The Cool Adventure
- Ultima Warriors of Destiny
- Tiny Toon Adventure 2: Trouble in WackyLand
- Zen: Intergalactic Ninja
- Eon Man
- Bomberman 2
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