Nintendo Power Issue 007 (July-August 1989)
Title: Nintendo Power Issue 7
Month: July/August
Year: 1989
Publisher: Nintendo of America
Editor: Howard Phillips
Price: U.S. $3.50 Canada $4.50
Country: United States
Language: English
Nintendo Power Magazine:
Systems Covered:
- Nintendo Entertainment System
- Gameboy
- Mega Man II
- Faxanadu
- Guerrero dragón
- Strider
Counselors Corner:
- Legacy of the Wizard
- Bases Loaded
- Ninja Gaiden
- Dr. Chaos
- Friday the 13th
- Robocop
- Duck Tales
- Who Framed Roger Rabbit?
- Ironsword: Wizards & Warriors II
Pack Watch:
- New Compact Video Game System! The Game Boy
Classified Information:
- Las Tortugas Ninja
- Gyruss
- Seicross
- Rambo
- Zelda II: The Adventure of Link
- Cobra Triangle
- Mappy-Land
- Life Force
- Jackal
- Super Mario Bros. 2
- Legend of Zelda
Video Shorts:
- Bad Dudes
- The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
- Guerrilla War
- Defender of the Crown
- King’s Knight
- To The Earth
- Shooting Range
- Sesame Street ABC
- Adventures of Dino-Riki
Pak Watch – Upcoming Games List
- Bad Dudes
- Cobra Triangle
- Faxanadu
- Shooting Range
- Bugs Bunny’s Crazy Castle
- Guerilla War
- Hoops
- Adventure of Dino-Riki
- Air Fortress
- Back to the Future
- Bad Street Brawler
- Black Bass
- Casino Kid
- Castlequest
- Guerrero dragón
- Duck Tales
- Fester’s Quest
- Godzilla
- Jordan Vs. Bird: One-on-One
- King’s Knight
- Fútbol de la NFL
- Robocop
- Sesame Street ABC
- Silent Service
- Sky Shark
- Stealth Eagle
- Tetris
- The Battle of Olympus
- The Uncanny X-Men
- Three Stooges
- Thundercade
- Twin Eagle
- Who Framed Roger Rabbit?
- Pro Action PORQUE Football
- Short Order / Eggsplode
- Trick Shooting
- To The Earth
- Tetris
- Romance of the Three Kingdoms
- Ironsword: Wizards & Warriors II
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