Nintendo Power Issue 105 (February 1998)
Title: Nintendo Power Issue 105
Month: February
Year: 1998
Publisher: Nintendo of America
Editor: Gail Tilden
Pages: 108
Price: US $4.95 / Canada $5.95
Country: United States
Language: English
Nintendo Power Magazine:
Player’s Pulse (Letters to the Editor)
WCW vs. nWo: World Tour (N64) Strategy
Nagano Winter Olympics ’98 (N64) Strategy
Olympic Hockey ’98 (N64) Strategy
Yoshi’s Story (N64) Strategy
Classified Information:
- NFL Quarterback Club ’98 (N64)
- Madden NFL 64 (N64)
- Aerofighters Assault (N64)
- San Francisco Rush Extreme Racing (N64)
- Clay Fighter 63 1/3 (N64)
- Mace: The Dark Age (N64)
- Robotron 64 (N64)
- Extreme-G (N64)
- Secret of Mana (Super NES)
Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon (N64) Strategy
Diddy Kong Racing (N64) Codes
Fighter’s Destiny (N64) Strategy
Cruisin’ World (N64) Preview
Aerogauge (N64) Strategy
FIFA ’98: Road to the World Cup (N64) Strategy
James Bond 007 (Game Boy) Strategy
Counselors Corner:
- Snowboard Kids (N64)
- Duke Nukem 64 (N64)
- Goldeneye (N64)
- Turok: Battle of the Bionosaurs (Game Boy)
Maui Mallard in Cold Shadow (Game Boy) Strategy
Now Playing:
- Yoshi’s Story (N64)
- Nagano Winter Olympics ’98 (N64)
- Olympic Hockey ’98 (N64)
- NBA In the Zone ’98 (N64)
- Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon (N64)
- Aerogauge (N64)
- FIFA ’98: Road to the World Cup (N64)
- James Bond 007 (Game Boy)
- Maui Mallard in Cold Shadow (Game Boy)
- The Fidgetts (Game Boy)
Pak Watch:
- Wario Land II (Game Boy)
- Quake 64 (N64)
- All-Star Baseball (N64)
- Virtual Chess 64 (N64)
- Pak Focus (Behind the scenes at developer Iguana West)
- Pak Peeks
Coming Next Issue
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