NES Star Wars

La Guerra de las Galaxias

NES Game Review #20 – Star Wars

There’s a general fondness for the SNES Star Wars Trilogy but rarely do I hear people speak positively about the NES Star Wars offering. I’m here to correct that!

Star Wars can be divided into two distinct segments, firstly Tatooine; a non-liner collectathon. Second a more liner Death Star segment divided up by some space flight missions. I imagine a host of those most critical, never made it past Tatooine, likely unable to work out what the hell you’re supposed to do there.

Star Wars no te lleva de la mano. Aparte de conducirte automáticamente a la primera cueva donde puedes localizar el blaster más rápido, estás por tu cuenta. Lo que es bastante único para un juego de esta época, es que puedes completarlo habiendo fallado casi todos los factores clave, es decir, rescatando a R2-D2, Han, Leia o Ben Kenobi. Al final del juego se te da un total de puntos, y para conseguir 100, no solo tendrás que rescatar a todos los personajes y llegar al final con todos ellos vivos, sino también completar todas las cuevas de Tatooine y encontrar la sala del mapa en la Estrella de la Muerte.

Funny that a game like Star Wars is criticized for not being more forward with its secrets when something like Zelda, is lorded by most as a masterpiece.

Making it out of Tatooine and onto the Death Star is where the rest of the negativity usually comes from. People moan about the two lift mazes, but usually this is because they have failed to find the map room where R2 can display where you need to go! Easily the part that takes the most criticism has to be the Death Star escape. Many people that make it here complain of the difficulty! First glance at the stage is one of dread. Whoever designed the Death Star clearly had a hard-on for spikes! The key to this section is using all the characters. The variety in jumps is helpful as is the extra life. OB1 can replenish health and even bring back the dead, apparently making him even more powerful than Master Yoda?

Nostalgia may cloud my judgement but I find it hard to think this as anything other than a good game. To me it’s a great game and a system highlight. Dont judge till you’ve given it a fair go!

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