Fortnite – Failed Choppa Hijack
Unless you are on my team, stay off my choppa! Seriously, was this playa even thinking before hopping on my choppa? What did he think was going to happen?
Check out the video below to watch this failed choppa hijack.
Unless you are on my team, stay off my choppa! Seriously, was this playa even thinking before hopping on my choppa? What did he think was going to happen?
Check out the video below to watch this failed choppa hijack.
Nullpunkt ist hier und die Jagd ist auf. Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 5 muss nach dem Marvel-Showcase von Season 4 einige große Fußstapfen füllen. Hier ist, wie Epic ist kicking off Season 5: THE HUNT IS ONTHE ZERO POINT IS EXPOSED, aber niemand entkommt der Schleife, nicht auf Ihre WATCH. MACHEN SIE MIT...
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