Godzilla: Monster der Ungeheuer

NES-Spiele-Rezensionen #38 Godzilla: Monster der Ungeheuer
Als Kind wünschte ich mir, einen Zugang zu Godzilla zu haben, doch leider blieb mir nur meine Fantasie.
Zu Beginn des Spiels wird dir ein Schachbrett präsentiert. Du steuerst Godzilla und Mothra. Sie können jedes Monster um eine bestimmte Anzahl von Feldern bewegen, und die verschiedenen Sechsecke, auf denen Sie landen, bestimmen die verschiedenen Kampfstadien, die Sie betreten. Wenn die Action beginnt, ist der Punkt erreicht, an dem das Spiel zusammenbricht!
Mothra can fly around, shoot an eye laser and drop her (spare?) wings. Godzilla is slow but much more powerful, with a punch, kick, tail swing and fire breath. The fighting mechanics, while lazy, aren’t actually that bad, and destruction of the terrain is satisfying, for awhile!Once you’ve played for half an hour though, you’ve basically seen the whole game, stages repeat and the challenge remains the same throughout.
There’s always far too much shit onscreen for the NES to handle. The result is endless slowdown! For a few blissful moments, they’ll be a break in the assault, the game running at its native speed, then projectiles pick up and its down to 5fps or less again. To add insult the game tries to tackle slowdown by restricting your attack. The same restrictions dont apply to the computer which is complete bullshit!
Knock-back when you’re hit is infuriating as you’re pushed to the far left. Its constant and even worse as Mothra, half appear to happen for absolutely no reason. I’ll be moving forward then suddenly, bosh, back you go!
With all the powerups, the game is mercifully easy. However the Fire-Magnets you should be very afraid of! drifting slowly along they look innocent but they do maximum damage when touching you. You can’t move through them, if your hit early you’ll take damage continually till it’s off screen. Manipulating their movement is the key!
There is also one vs one battle modes against famous Godzilla monsters. Fight with Godzilla, spam attacks and his use fire breath and you should always win. He will level up each time. There are mini bosses in some levels that Mothra can use to level up.
The whole game is rinse and repeat, very little changes! It’s long and a chore. I was praying for it to end by the final chessboard!